Here is a Chinese Makeup MIRROR with Handmade Brocade Embroideries, Roses on Red or Purple Silk, Heart-Shaped or Round. The heart-shaped Mirrors also have a little heart as clasp. The round one closes with a little butterfly. They have been sold to me as being hand-embroidered. The Colors of the embroideries only are: pink, dark red, green, pale yellow, gold. The silk on the background is or purple, or dark red, or bright red. The silk is padded, which protects the mirrors inside. Inside, there are two mirrors, so you can see your eyes, and your mouth in the same time, convenient if you are in the rush to check your face. Each of them is adorable. Size of the Heart-Shaped Ones : 2 9/16" wide x 2 5/8" tall x 5/8" thick Size of the Round One : 3" across x 5/8" thick